Exploring Measuring in the Food Industry

A) What question were you trying to answer and why?
   A) The question we were trying to answer was "Do you get what you pay for?" and we were able to answer that question. The reason why we were trying to answer that question was to see if we really get the amount of chips that we receive in the bag.

B) What did you do during your investigation and why did you conduct your investigation in this way?
 B) During the investigation we weighed our bag of chips without opening them, we then weighed our bag of chips after we opened them and dumped out the contents, then we subtracted the weight from each other to determine the difference (hot cheetos). The reason we conducted the investigation in this way was because we had to figure out what the weight of the hot cheetos were.

C) What is your claim, evidence, and reasoning?
  C) Our claim was that we do get what we pay for. Our evidence would be that we actually get MORE than we pay for because the weight that we received was more than was shown on the bag. Our reasoning would be the evidence that was shown with our investigation to figure out the tare weight and gross weight.


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